Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1 february 2012

now at 4 clock in the morning, while listening better man from robbie william

i now i have learn to grow to be a better man

because love is all around

and love will found you in homeward bound

and some have fallen on stony ground

just heal the shame

and grow through this pain


Monday, January 23, 2012

Better man

as my soul heal the shame

i will grow through this pain

lord im doing all i can

to be a better man.....

(Robbie William)

Sunday, January 22, 2012



Ke manakah arah

Jika tujuan hanya persimpangan tak pasti

biar hati yang menjadi mata angin

sepenggal puisi

sudah kualami perih karena kehilangan
sudah kurenguk kecewa karena ditinggalkan
sudah ku didera luka karena dikhianati

smuanya belum seberapa

hanya satu derita yang paling menyiksa
jatuh cinta
tapi tak bisa memiliki

(andrei aksana-2004)

23 january 2012

it almost 4 years we have been together..

but now it just memory that wont be forget ..

thanks for everything

hope we will meet again someday

Friday, January 20, 2012

20 January 2012

hey ... what a coincidence we met at afternoon when i want going home,

yet we are no go together.. at least i have chat with her.. :D

maybe we can continue ? only god knows

Thursday, January 19, 2012

19 january 2012

move on, i should see another face, see another destiny

ooh please tomorrow meet us together and chat

and if i can, please i wanna go out with her.. just to curious to know her further


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

18 January 2012

its been one week since the happening..

i think i'm ready to move on, and life must continue whatever it takes..
i just pray to god please give me the strength to go trough it

i now i've been hurting by the dishonestly and had betrayed for love
but that its the truth, and i still dont know exactly how to deals with it

my heart should really open and ready.. even if you really honest and straight
even you hurted by the one you really love it and care it..

just let it go...

Saturday, January 14, 2012


does my heart completely lost..

i don't thing so.. lets be a best friend that care each other

hold your back in every sad moment, and open my arm in every difficulty of life

just share each other.. keep the last friend forever...


Start To new episode start to new story telling

today is already one week since the trouble come,
many things happen this week,
hated, sad, anger, forgive and forget already blend into my heart

until finally i found one word, it is fatefully fill into my heart
i pray to you god, maybe i did not forget her, but i forget you...

something bigger story has hide between us, story that life full with it secret,
something that will show us step to a better life,

sometime boundary become limitless when we far away
and now i already forget about the all the trouble that came to us...

maybe i  miss her already .. and maybe i always remind her in every night until moon has pased
but i know i should survive .. in every step that i take, and  just pray in every time

i hope you can show us the real future.. keep us as a best friend that always care
maybe sometime my heart will say another word, it just maybe..

23 feb 2009-8 jan 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Hatiku serasa begejolak,

entah dipermainkan, entah dilucuti,

memang saat ini aku yang salah, tetapi perbaikan itu serasa percuma, hanya karena aku

banya berdosa, ataukah aku memang tak pantas..

tuhan tolong tunjukan padanya.. kalau aku memang mencitainya..

meski jalanku berliku, untuk menatap hidup yang lebih baik

tapi aku selalu mencitainya

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Biarlah saat ini kunikmati diriku saat ini

belajar akan arti hidup, belajar mencintai orang lain

dan belajar menerima dengan ikhlas..

live is about loving and love to keep live


Transisi adalah sebuah perubahan

dimana kita menjadi lebih dewasa,

transisi berarti keluar dari zona nyaman kita, berubah menjadi sesuatu yang baru

kadang pembaharuan itu membawa dampak, membawa sedih membawa duka

tapi itu hanyalah sementara, pencapaian akan kestabilan yang baru tergantung dari kita membawanya

dunia menantang kita untuk selalu bertransisi, kita yang menentukan.. kita yang berusaha..

semoga perubahan itu menjadi lebih baik