Saturday, January 14, 2012

Start To new episode start to new story telling

today is already one week since the trouble come,
many things happen this week,
hated, sad, anger, forgive and forget already blend into my heart

until finally i found one word, it is fatefully fill into my heart
i pray to you god, maybe i did not forget her, but i forget you...

something bigger story has hide between us, story that life full with it secret,
something that will show us step to a better life,

sometime boundary become limitless when we far away
and now i already forget about the all the trouble that came to us...

maybe i  miss her already .. and maybe i always remind her in every night until moon has pased
but i know i should survive .. in every step that i take, and  just pray in every time

i hope you can show us the real future.. keep us as a best friend that always care
maybe sometime my heart will say another word, it just maybe..

23 feb 2009-8 jan 2012

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